Meaning and Definition of Challenge

Definition of challenge

All the people we set ourselves goals in life. They are short, medium and long term projects. There are difficult targets and achieve them requires a great effort on our part. We say that we have a challenge before us when we intend to achieve success in a given topic.
A personal challenge is a challenge that we impose to us themselves. It's a way of autoestimular us. The challenge does not apply to the obtaining of an achievement without importance. It refers to a goal that involves effort, struggle and tenacity. We believe that it is worth giving up many things and work hard because the prize we are going to get is high, something very rewarding. In this sense, the challenge is an intense yearning for victory. At the time of the triumph, is the feeling of that initial challenge has been conquered.
A challenge is a message directed to the interior. It means that we get to test, we accept the sacrifice and we are convinced of our ability to achieve a satisfactory result. It is also possible to accept a challenge of another person. We propose something really difficult and we appreciate the difficulty, our strength of will and the advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we made a decision; We accept or not the challenge.
In the sport are different challenges. Athletes face all kinds of challenges: overcoming a record, beat a rival or be the first to a discipline. In the media sport the idea of challenge is used to give emphasis to an event. It is a way to announce that creates expectation and excitement among fans.
Not only in sport there are challenges, they can occur in any activity: artistic, scientific or social.
There is a very specific context of the concept of challenge: the duel. Since very ancient times, people have faced to solve personal offenses, especially to honor. The offended proposes a duel, a showdown with weapons, and the offender accepts it or not. At the time of the proposal, there is a challenge. It is a declaration of confrontation. The duel is a habit that has practically disappeared and, consequently, defiance as combat proposal appears just in historical films. There is a striking image: a rival throw a glove down as a sign of defiance. An expression related to the old duels is still used in colloquial language. It is speech to launch the glove.