Meaning and Definition of Class

Definition of class

According to the context in which it is used, the word class can refer to various issues...

Biology: Group involving several orders and share features

For biology, a class, is the taxonomic group comprising several orders, whether plants or animals, who share many common characters.

Sociology: social stratification which depends on economic and social criteria

While for other science such as sociology, class is a type of social stratification which will take place taking into account criteria economic, i.e., in the class, a group of individuals share a common characteristic, their productive role or power economically, it will link them economically. The most common classification in which falls to divide the population is according to the wealth that they possess and are proposed us social classes: upper class, middle class and lower class.
In the upper class will be located to all those individuals who are those who have more power and wealth within a society, i.e. in our current form within this class will be located the owners of large companies, those individuals which occupy a hierarchical position in any company and therefore brings them succulent income. But also be considered part of this kind to those people who have high levels of political influence, because of course, politics is always in close association with the economy.
The middle class, on the other hand, consists of that portion of society that is just in the Middle, between the upper class and the lower class level. This social class is characterized by living their incomes or revenues that perceived by their work. Normally composed of professionals, many consider that the middle class is the economic engine of the societies.
And the lower class is that social sector that has more relegated in relation to the previous two. It is that the highest level of poverty and shortcomings can be seen, i.e., most of the people that integrates this social class can not meet their basic needs and then to survive, in many cases, demand the State assistance through family allowances or subsidies.
The lower class is often represented by those individuals who deploy tasks or basic as workers, trades personal pet, ordinances, among others, that even though they charge a salary for his work, it is certainly low in relation to other work, and must then live with more limited than for example the professionals, who tend to have better jobs and earn more.
This state of affairs is normal, although we must emphasize that in some countries often upside down and professionals are more relegated in relation to people who make trades or other tasks of minor consideration.
And we must also say that many people belonging to the lower class are unoccupied people, who receive no income just by this situation of unemployment which are.

Use in computer science and logic

In another order of things, for computer science, a class is a statement or abstraction of objects, something like the definition that is carried out from an object. When the object is set, you must define their characteristics and functions, then, what is being done is to schedule a class. The class in this sense contains one or more data, together with the operations that manipulate them.
On the other hand, logic, says that class a property that allows the meeting into a unit or the definition in a collection of those individual elements that are presented to us and we want to group, sort according to similarities they have.

Room in which the teacher teaches and students learn

On the other hand, in academia, the term class turns out to be very popular and mostly is used in two senses; on the one hand, will be called class to the physical location, the room, in an educational establishment in which a professor teaches lessons to his students, for example, in Spain is very common this use in schools to call the traditional classroom; but also in this area is often used the word to refer in general terms to the matter that is learned... "in math class we learned of the set theory."

Use in the military level

And in his military career, a class are those elements amounted to degrees lower in the hierarchy, for example, corporals and sergeants and that will have functions of direct control on staff that has no degree, although they do not have administrative authority and functions.