Meaning and Definition of Compliment

Definition of compliment

Human behavior is really complex. Proof of this is the vast amount of knowledge that, from different points of view, are used to know him. Consider the psychology, anthropology or pedagogy, sciences that analyzes the behavior from its own methodological approaches.
If human behavior is complex, it is logical that the language describing such conduct is equally complex. And when it comes to interpersonal relationships, there are numerous terms explaining some nuance or trend in relation to how we behave. If a person tries to appeal to others and please them you will use flattery. Thus, the compliment is the word or set of words that we use to be nice to other people.
The resource of the compliment is very common, we constantly employ it, since it is good to be friendly and polite, please to those who surround us. Anyway, the compliment incorporates an idea that goes beyond the simple kindness, because flatter someone means that we want to be content with any intent on our part. You can be seen, therefore, that praise is a hidden in our interests. In fact, recognizing that our partner does something very well done we are enticing it and it is very likely that with this action we want something in return.
The compliment is not selfless. If it were we would be talking about a simple correct or helpful comment.
The words that we use to recognize or emphasize the qualities of others are really useful in the exchange of information. We use praise to conquer someone loving field or to make believe that we are satisfied, although it is not certain. This attitude can be interpreted as a hypocrite. And, certainly, if the flattery is totally false or we're lying to mention it we would be being hypocritical.
Flatter also can manifest a weakness is our personality. If an individual uses the compliment too often because it accepts the proposals of others, no doubt we would be talking about a person without own criterion and used flattery to not defend their ideas and their own opinion.
Use words that tickle does not show that make it right or wrong. Actually, it is a matter of quantity and sincerity. If the use of flattery is permanent and false, it obviously is not a virtuous behavior. On the other hand, if the flattery is used moderately and without exaggeration, we would be being sociable and communicative, people who know how to empathize in personal relationships.