Meaning and Definition of Condyle

Definition of condyle

The bone, is a body which integrates the endoskeleton or internal structure of vertebrate species, insofar as possible, be characterized as solid and sturdy, but eye, this does not imply heaviness or much less, since they are certainly light organs.
The composition consists of two types of hard and soft tissues. The latter is represented by bone tissue that made up cells and other super calcified extracellular components; and for its part to soft tissue the tissue connective myeloid, the hematopoietic and adipose form it.
Also available vessels and nerves that irrigarán its structure.
In the case of human beings we have 206 bones, which are also responsible for different roles and varied forms.
Now, all these bones as a whole make up the skeleton and human as well as noted, each plays a specific role that will be closely linked with the next bone.
Notably so as happens with muscles or footballer brain, bones, turn out to be of vital importance for the survival of human beings and are equipped with a wide range of regeneration.
Among the most outstanding parties presenting the bones we find the condyle, which would be the head of the bone and to recognize it physically, we can say that it is part of the lumpy and rounded bone that has been arranged at the end of it.
Thanks to the condyle bone is plausible flush mounting perfectly with other bone giving way to the formation of the joint.
Joints, then, which are one or more bones joints, are very important because they allow movements and also provide us with plasticity and elasticity in the realization thereof.
The part articular condyle is noted for being convex in both directions while the bone that meets that bump will be concave, also in two ways.
For example the bone, femur, which is one of our thigh bones, has two condyles on the lower end and this together with other bones such as: fibula, tibia, and patella, will compose the knee joint.