Meaning and Definition of Congruence

Definition of congruence

The term congruence is used to refer to the relationship of similarity or balance that can exist between two or more items. Normally, the congruence is a phenomenon that can occur in the mathematical sciences, both in algebra and geometry. However, the congruence is also a phenomenon that can occur in various areas of life which make the day of a person.
The congruence understood geometric level refers to parity or balance between two numbers at the algebraic level. This congruence can be so concrete in two or more geometric figures (such as a square or triangle) that have sides and equal angles between them. There are many ways in which you can see the geometric congruence in figures. In the field of algebra, the congruence is always an equivalence between two elements or numerical structures, which means that, ultimately, they are the same to be transformed by another number they take equal outcome.
However, the consistency there is no scientific or mathematical level only. In this sense, we can say that consistency can also be a way to express themselves. When a thought or an idea is congruent with another, that designates the person that the express is consistent and does not generate any kind of contradiction between a part and the other. The congruence may also give between thought, idea or way of expressing a person and another.
A text, a sentence, a phrase and other written forms also can become consistent together if they are looking for and manage to express the same ideas or feelings. When this congruence is sometimes lost forms of expression become cluttered, unintelligible and contradictory since they do not follow a line or mainstream thinking.