Meaning and Definition of Contagion

Definition of contagion

Contagion can be the transmission or acquisition of a disease as a result of contact with the germ or virus that triggers it, although it is also spoken of contagion at the behest of the transmission of feelings, attitudes and sympathies, among human beings. A classmate infected lice to my brother. John I contagion of like going to the theatre this weekend.
In the case of the spread of disease, whatever, will be essential to take general precautions to avoid the much-feared contagion. It is advisable to in the case of viral diseases circumvent flat contact with ill persons to avoid infect and thereby contribute to the same spread even more. Advisable, when we know that someone suffers from influenza, for example, is to prevent greet him with the hand or with a kiss, drinking from the same glass, away or not breathing when you cough or sneeze close to us and because not also ingesting medication that prevents the flu, such as those containing vitamin C. solutions And if you do so, the ideal is to avoid contact with the ill person as long as symptoms persist.
Meanwhile, the other kind of contagion, feelings, attitudes and affinities, will emerge from interact on a daily basis with the person who professes such or which sense, such or which attitude.
On the other hand, contagion, refers to the phenomenon whereby two electoral processes that take place simultaneously influence each other in some parameter. The holding of the presidential and provincial elections on the same day will contribute to that there is a greater citizen participation in