Meaning and Definition of Conversion

Definition of Conversion

The concept of conversion features various applications in our language. One of its more general purpose is to indicate modification which is a thing that makes until turning it into other different. For example, this sense is widely used at the behest of the foreign exchange market for express transfer of one currency to another. At the airport in London we do weights conversion to euros.
On the other hand, the conversion, change, can involve ideas, thoughts, beliefs, among other issues.
In the religions it is common to occur this practice in which an individual will adopt as their own beliefs that holding the religion which you decide to incorporate. It is very common that a Catholic decides to convert to Judaism, and vice versa. When this situation occurs, i.e., the person has a previous religious belief and decided to replace it with another, for religion that leaves it will be considered an apostate.
In the case just mentioned conversion to Judaism, there is a regulation governing such a situation and are known as giur. It should be noted that this proposed as fundamental the absolute conviction of mind and action, to perform the conversion. After that, the person must submit to the classic rites of the Jewish religion: circumcision, bath and the acceptance of the obligations. Although, it is worth to indicate that it may be subject to some restrictions.
On the other hand, the Christian religion, referred to as epistrepho, which means to become a, to any individual who is converted to Christianity.
On the other hand, at the behest of the rhetoric, the conversion, also referred to as epiphora, is a literary figure of repetition that consists of one or several words at the end of the phrases, verses.
Among synonyms of frequent use that holds this term stands for change, because change is the action of change and the effect of the same. Meanwhile, the concept that directly opposes is immobility, which on the contrary to change means failure, lack full mobility.