Meaning and Definition of Correspondent

Definition of correspondent

The corresponding word occurs frequently in our language, meanwhile, talks through it, we will be able to refer issues, since it supports more than one use.
If something turns out to be proportionate and suitable it is common that we use the corresponding word to realize this. Laura received the corresponding punishment for having forged the signature of his father in the bulletin.
On the other hand, when something corresponds or relates to somewhere else or individual one will say that it is appropriate. Guests must enter the event with the corresponding invitation.
Also, the word is used in our language to express when something turns out to be normal or is logical for it to happen. After expressing Mario corresponding apology for his misplaced comment, Laura, returned to the Group's activities.
At the behest of mathematics, also we can find with the word correspondence since it is used to designate the corresponding angles, which are those that result when two lines intersect with another and then the angles formed at the corners are designated as shown.
And the non-permanent member of an organization and that he collaborated with the same via correspondence it is appointed formally as correspondent.
This term has a variety of synonyms, though, one of the most used is the proper, from which can be precisely expressed to that which fits to another or that it be more convenient to deploy an action or to serve a particular purpose.
Meanwhile, when we want to express the diametrically opposite, i.e., when the intention is to indicate that it is something not corresponding, the word that is often used is inappropriate, which implies that which is used to qualify what is not to be suitable.