Meaning and Definition of Dietetics

Definition of dietetics

The word diet is mostly used with two senses in our language. On the one hand is used to refer to anything inherent in the diet that is nothing more than the set of all food substances that form the nutritional behavior of a living organism.
Now, the power of human beings not only depends on biological needs but is also influenced by geographical, climatic, social, cultural and even economic conditions, and not to mention the personal issues such as preferences and tastes everyone has by this or that food which are which also lean to one side or another diet.
It should be noted that the word dietary also is used to designate those foods or drinks that have one smaller amount of sugar, which is popularly called as light or low calorie.
On the other hand the Word indicates that discipline that deals address the relationship between food and good health.
From essential knowledge that must be on the physiology of nutrition and physiology of the disorder, i.e., diets in health and disease, respectively, dietetics, may stipulate in scientific way the diet or food ration most relevant for this or that person, according to the everyday activities that displays , type of work performed, their State of health, among other conditions put into consideration.
Meanwhile, he called to the medical professional who works in this area of medicine dietitian or nutritionist. The nutritionist to be an expert in nutrition, Dietetics and food will indicate the best nutritional treatment in case of suffering from diseases such as diabetes, renal failure, malnutrition, among others. It will also advise the best food in any physical situation, as for example who performs physical activity, who goes through a pregnancy and those in-patients in hospitals or health centers will design you a diet suitable for reclamation.