Meaning and Definition of Disable

Disable definition

Disable is a function that is used in computer science to disable a program, an operation, a function in particular or a system as a whole.
Disable comes from the English "disable" and refers to the ability of a computer system to leave without use or effect one or more of its functions for various purposes.
Faced with a threat of virus, a bug or problem, or for operational reasons, the use of this function is common to prevent determined program or system continue its operation. In the case of a threat or risk computer, running the disable function would have to avoid that risk extends to the rest of the system, causing more damage.
In an extreme case, the disable would apply to the whole team, to discontinue its use and verify, for example, in "safe mode", what is the cause of the problem or the operating problem. The implementation of this action prevents the use of basic and advanced operations, and reduces system to a restricted use which allows you to scan and delete files, for example, to put an end to the harmful agent.
A computer can also be disabled for other safety reasons. I.e. the system can be restricted its use without authorization and, in this way, a stranger to the computer user could not make use of one or more of its functions or access to some or all of your files.
The use of this operation is so widespread that there are softwares that allow you to disable the system even remotely, to prevent the entry of third parties. For example, from a cell phone, an instant messaging or via different Internet alternatives program. Of course, malicious users or hackers can use these same programs to disable non-operating systems, damaging to the owner.