Meaning and Definition of Diversity

Definition of diversity

The term diversity is that which allows us to specify, mark or talk about the variety and difference that may have some things, but also us is useful when wanting to point out the abundance of different things that coexist in a context in particular.
In the context of a community, for example, we have different types of diversities: cultural, sexual, or biological, among the most recurrent.
Culture refers to the multiplicity and interaction of different cultures that can occur in a region in particular and that coexist in the world. In this sense and to preserve it is vitally important that countries which hold it to have adequate and effective plan of preservation and promotion of them that they seek integration because they feel this opening, the place has to offer to develop and evolve, respecting alien to their culture codes and also achieving relevant respect for yours even when distended much generality.
Obviously this situation in many places of this beautiful planet is almost a utopia still since it tends to be recurrent that considered minority cultures always suffer the carelessness and ignorance from the rest as a result of the lack of State policies aimed at respect them and appreciate them as such. Meanwhile, the UNESCO agency from November 2001 has emerged as a kind of observer agency and controller of this type of question opening a public space which provides cooperation in this regard.
On the other hand, we have the sexual diversity that refers to different sexual orientations adopted by human beings. The usual classification speaks of three orientations: homosexual, heterosexual and bisexual. Sexual diversity, in recent times, has become one of the demands that brings more people in the world. Numerous organizations that defend the rights of gays and lesbians are often manifested in favor of this through so-called gay pride days and that occur every year in much of the globe.
And finally we have the biological diversity or biodiversity which is that which refers to the wide range of species that inhabit the planet Earth, also as the natural patterns that are shaping them from thousands of years of continuous evolution. But in addition to the different species, biodiversity includes genetic differences of each species giving rise to the multiple combination of forms of life and the variety of ecosystems that surround us.
The preservation of biodiversity is one of the major global concerns and that is part of one of the conventions most defended from the body of the United Nations, known as the International Convention on biological diversity and that was held there by the beginning of the seventies.