Meaning and Definition of Doctorate

Definition of doctorate

The doctorate is the academic degree of most important level that gives a particular educational institution. Meanwhile, who has this academic degree is called a doctor.
There are four types of doctoral degrees: Ph.d. in research, scientific doctorate, terminal professional doctorate and the doctorate honoris causes.
In the case of research and scientific doctorate Ph.d., Ph.d. will be delivered to those individuals who have been able to achieve a scientific investigation, formally known as doctoral thesis, on a certain theme, which involves a contribution, even if it is modest, but contribution to the end, with regard to human knowledge. After his presentation, the individual must defend his doctoral thesis: method used, sources and results, before a faculty for their evaluation
Meanwhile, the professional doctorate, as it is taught in various European universities, aims to provoke a practical contribution in any professional field. In this way, the individual will develop professional practice in question from his doctoral thesis and also will make an original contribution to knowledge that orients itself.
The doctorate honoris cause is that which is given to someone as a result of his decisive contribution in the field in which it intervenes, the main difference with the previous types is that this will not demand requirements of professional or academic order to be delivered.
On the other hand, the doctoral thesis is the study written about a particular investigation, original character or the analysis of the publications made by others, on a certain subject of inherent in the studies carried out and which is carried out by a student to obtain the degree of doctor following its adoption.
The thesis is composed of several steps which Yes or Yes should be followed out and in this order: choice of tutor or director (the person with the degree of doctor who will guide the student in the undertaken way), choice of a theme (must be relevant and offer some aspects not addressed above), determination of the work plan detailed documentation, compilation and provision of data, experimental analysis of the collected data, writing and public defense.