Meaning and Definition of Elephantine

Definition of elephantine

The colossal Word is an adjective that is used to characterize and describe the size of a person, a figure, a work of art or a construction. Colossal means that the object or individual in question has a huge, huge and very impressive size in comparison with the size of the rest of their peers or according to the proportions that naturally correspond you to an object or its nature. At the same time, colossal can be a work of art that involves great work of infrastructure or which may entail much investment of time and expertise (for example, a work of classical music complex and very high).
Normally, the most common use of the colossal Word is one that has to do with some architectural works or sculpture that exceed the size or proportion corresponding to them. In this sense, many artistic styles have produced colossal works which are not only impressive in terms of size if not in terms of complexity, beauty and design. Many of these colossal works belong to antiquity, such as the Egyptian pyramids or the famous Greek statues of which only a few are preserved. The famous colossus of Rhodes was a sculpture of immense dimensions not preserved nowadays, that it was believed located on the island of Rhodes and is considered one of the seven wonders of antiquity.
Colossal status can also be applied to other types of creations, not only to architectural or sculptural works. Thus, colossal can also be a painting, an urban complex, a Government plan, a piece of music, etc. In these cases, the condition of colossal will be granted from the complexity and richness of each of the works themselves which differentiated it from the rest of similar works and that will make it a memorable and unique piece.