Meaning and Definition of Emergency 911

Definition of emergency 911

Number attending denounces emergency

Without any doubt when we think or it arises the number 911 is impossible not to think of an emergency. And this is so because instaladisimo is this number in many countries of the world to communicate and to alert emergency to the relevant security forces. Of course this number has a constant attention, 24 hours a day. the day and the 365 days of the year.

Accident or fact that occurs unexpectedly and which represents a State of gravity and danger

An emergency is that accident or fact that occurs unexpectedly and which means the entry into a State of gravity and extreme danger which normally will require help or assistance by qualified security personnel.

Do not use it for minor issues

Named nine eleven, or also nine hundred eleven, is a phone number that was set in the Decade of the sixties of the last century in the United States that people communicate with him and report emergencies, i.e., the idea of this number was citizens to disquen it when really a situation involves an emergency or disaster and not of course to report minor issues.
For example, the purpose was that you call 911 to report a robbery armed in a House, the killing of someone and not to denounce neighbor because he broke us automobile.

In a sinister or illegal, keeping guard and call 911 for offer details

The security forces always recommended, if possible and depending on the fact clear you are, keep the person who observes, is witness to an illicit or stars in an emergency, to guard and once called there as you can to the 911 to ask for support and assistance where appropriate.
Caller will be attended by an operator that prompted some data to be able to intervene, the exact place where the emergency, street, locality, height. If the calling party is witness to an illicit must give more precise description of the people involved, how dressed, ages, how is mobilized, among others.
Meanwhile, in the case of claims as fire or road accidents, inform if there are fatalities, serious injuries and any other information of interest to know what kind of help send to the place.
As already noted United States used it many years ago and is also the emergency number from other countries as the Argentina, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Peru, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Canada, Dominican Republic, among others.