Meaning and Definition of Environmental management

Definition of environmental management

The environmental management, also designated as the environmental management means to that series of political activities, aimed at comprehensively manage the environment of a given territory and thus contribute to the sustainable development of the same.
We refresquemos that sustainable development implies the right balance for the development of the economy, the population increase, the rational use of resources and protection and preservation of the environment.
I.e., basically, environmental management will involve strategies organized various activities aimed to achieve a better quality of life and also to manage all those needed to prevent and minimize the typical cases that lead to the pollution of the environment.
It should be noted that environmental management is divided into different legal areas which are essential in achieving a satisfactory and successful environmental management system: environmental policy (involves a series of political actions to conserve life achieving sustainable development), territorial (is responsible for distributing the activities and uses of the land according to the characteristics of each) , the environmental impact assessment (carried out an assessment of the environmental news and proposed plans and programmes to correct problems), pollution (deals with treat, analyze and control all those substances or forms of energy that cause unhealthy effects), wildlife (deals with biodiversity conservation), landscape (involves the relationship of biological factors, the aesthetic and cultural environment) and environmental education (seeks to teach man to understand current environmental problems and also helps you to) change your position often contrary to the satisfactory development of the natural environment).
Beyond all theoretical and technical issues exposed, it is important to mention that currently air pollution is a serious problem faced by all nations of the world without exception and by case specific and forceful policies that tend to alleviate them or reduce them is required.
In this sense, to add to raise awareness and to reduce the impact of pollution in big cities it is also very important to build and preserve natural environments in them