Meaning and Definition of Experience

Definition of experience

A knowledge, a skill that mark is designated with the term of experience to that form of knowledge or skill, which can come from observation, the experience of an event or any other us thing that happen in life and that is plausible to let us a brand, by its importance or significance. Also, that skill or knowledge may ensue due to systematic practice in or of any issue. This type or form of knowledge, experiences, both humans and animals, acquire throughout their lives, being practically impossible that this situation does not occur at any time. Experience is a very important part of the life of any person and that definitive accounts allows someone decide a key issue in his life. Because that event that happens to us and leaving us a brand and learning is always latent and present to appear when it is necessary to use it as a precedent to decide to continue or not with a question. Experience always leaves a learning and anyone who says otherwise lies. Both and in accordance with the passage of time, it will say and this will actually happen, a person will have and will be acquiring increasingly this type of knowledge known as experience, because age, basically, are allowing that this go growing, expanding and gaining too, since these experiences ranging also tend to be decisive when it comes to having to repeat or not elections , because if any past, that body of experience that will be stored in the memory will help us when it comes to choosing or not such road and also eventually having to advise someone about what to do with an issue or how to react to an unexpected, for example, among other issues. The experience from the standpoint of philosophy generally, the concept of experience concerns a procedural knowledge, i.e. how to such- and -such thing, rather than knowledge of factual type or what are the things. In philosophy, is often to treat this type of knowledge based and exclusively forged through experience, such as empirical knowledge or knowledge in hindsight. And also since she, more precisely from the philosophical hermeneutics, holds that the experiences are possible if expectations are, why this believes that the person experienced will not be which has accumulated more experience but rather one that is able to afford them. And although this thought has a lot of real, it is also true that as we mentioned above, the age, no doubt, will also mark the level of experience presenting such or which person. Experience a path to wisdom because the experience inevitably leads to wisdom and although while you can get wisdom after receiving a punishment, a challenge or have suffered any matter that produces certain internal movements, approaching larger people, who have already come a long way, is the best way to get wisdom the company of these than from the inexperienced will always be more profitable. Unfortunately, today, in our culture, is not usually claim the elderly for precisely that experience vast that they have left you the years of accumulated but rather the opposite happens in some contexts and left side because it is considered that already they are useless, privileging instead the young blood. While it is right to think that for some activities you need of jovial people who can deploy an energy that one older adult could not, also should be balanced that with the experience that an old man can bring. However, as already mentioned, at present, it is very common that you will reject them, and then aside. The oriental culture, is worth mentioning, it has traditionally been an exception to what we mentioned since it gives the elderly a place of privilege and recognition in society. It is encouraged to participate and not relegated it is precisely because it recognizes the vast knowledge that age left him and that can make it so new generations can learn from it. As we all know, Westerners and easterners, we differ on many issues, and at this point in the recognition and prize to the elderly, consider it wise, not by what you know of this or that matter but by the accumulated experience over time, undoubtedly there is an abyss that delay of course for Western culture. On the other hand, many times, the term experience is used as a synonym for experiment in scientific contexts.