Meaning and Definition of Exploitation

Definition of exploitation

Holding the event benefit from something or someone is called. Beyond the different variants of sense of the term, the truth is that usually is related to social and economic, in so far as relates to the notion of value, to the way in which it is obtained or is lost. The most frequent use is the property or natural resources. So, when you talk about "exploitation" from this point of view, refers to the way in which nature benefits are extracted to be used in a market economy. Some examples of this type of benefit is the fishing, mining, agriculture, livestock, forestry, etc. In these cases, the exploitation may have intended direct consumption by humans, or indirect, by integrating production processes more complex which will result in the creation of other goods. Is an example of this last possibility the extraction of hydrocarbons on which relies almost all the economic order of the world. Another common use, this time with a pejorative tone, is that of human exploitation, or to establish further details, the unfair exploitation of human labour. From this perspective, the benefit that is extracted from the work of man by another always is much higher pay in the form of salary. The most relevant schemes of recent times in this aspect are those carried out by Kart Marx in his Capital; There he exhibited that the accumulation of capital to improve production processes carries less need for labor and a consequent drop in the wage. Beyond that Marxism has been outdated in many respects, the truth is that some situations that denounces continue to have validity. Regardless of the specific notion of exploitation that is used, the truth is that the idea of extracting benefit is intrinsic to the logic of a market economy and with that orientation should be understood.