Meaning and Definition of Food

Definition of food

In our language it is referred to as food to those substances, foods, that are plausible to be ingested by humans, generally, at different times of the day, and whose mission satiate your hunger and help your nutrition to survive this way. Otherwise, i.e. If a person not ingested any food during the day and subsequent, such a situation can lead to severe health problems and in the most extreme cases lead to death by starvation.
Notably, that individuals also eat to reward us, i.e. can happen that we don't have hunger but anyway we eat a cake with a cup of coffee because it gives us pleasure to do so.
As we indicated above, individuals tend to eat meals several times during the day, which are stipulated by the Convention for centuries and are: breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.
Breakfast is the first meal of the day, is that we eat first thing in the morning after sleep. Usually consist of a latte or other herbal teas more toasted with some kind of cheese or jam.
On the other hand, lunch, usually take place at noon and later in the early hours of the afternoon. In this case usually consist of a more elaborate such as chicken with potatoes and salad food.
Meanwhile, the snack takes place in the afternoon and often involves an infusion with a sandwich, cake or snack.
And finally the dinner that takes place in the evening also consists of some elaborate dish, such is the case of Broil baked with salad.
It is important to mention that both the amounts and types of food will depend on different issues such as: customs of the person, the socio-economic level, their education, their religion, the geographic location in which halle, among others.
In addition, we employ the word food to designate the action of eating at different times of our day and that meeting of friends, coworkers, among others, who gather to eat with the mission to celebrate a special event.