Meaning and Definition of Genial

Definition of Genial

The great word is used in our language with different motivations that are intended to express different issues. So when something or someone happen to be outstanding or excellent, we say that they are great. You can apply to a person, when it displays a very good action, or failing that to some object or thing, for example, a book that after reading it is fantastic be able to say it's great.
On the other hand, when an individual is characterized for being witty and funny with his actions and thoughts, that is, offers original situations and unusual departures, they say of those who are great.
And this word is also used to refer to what is or is associated with the genius.
Meanwhile, the word genius has various uses. One of the most widespread job is for the character that has a person, i.e., his way of being. For instance, when a person is fun and pleasant say it has good temper, and conversely, when anything is cuando por nada se enoja angry we will say that you have a bad temper and people will tend to move away from it.
On the other hand, when an individual presents a special ability to create and invent things that awaken AWE or an immense admiration for the partners, we tend to it called genius. It is worth mentioning that the concept applies especially to highlight the intellectual capacity and when her highly original questions that have no history are. Mario is a genius, she is constantly happen new projects for which the group deployment.
And we find another widespread use for the word genius in fantastic stories and legends to describe that character has special powers and whose presence is within a fantastic lamp. Rub the lamp genius appears and shall be granted to the person making it three wishes.
Meanwhile, many are synonyms that presents this word, distinguishing between the most used: excellent, great and extraordinary. The opposite concept is mediocre, referring that or that of low or poor quality and that it does not have capabilities for making.