Meaning and Definition of Heart

Definition of heart

At the behest of the anatomy, the heart is the main organ of the circulatory system, physical characteristics: muscular, hollow and dealing primarily with circular blood both in vertebrates and animals and in human beings.
The heart is lodged in the chest cavity and its performance is like a bomb, pushing blood into the body.
A slightly larger size of a human fist, the heart is divided into four cavities: two upper called Atria or auricles, right and another left and two lower, called ventricles, also one right and one left.
The atria are working as chambers of reception by sending the blood which then will receive the ventricles, which act as chambers of expulsion.
The blood drive is carried out through two basic movements that makes the heart systole (contraction of the heart to eject blood into the tissues) and diastole (consists in relaxation of the organ to receive the blood coming from the tissues).
Then, a cardiac cycle will consist of a relaxation phase and secondly ventricular filling, thus, when the doctor listens to us by heart a stethoscope may be distinguished in the two noises: the first will be the contraction of the Atria when they push blood into the ventricles and the second corresponds to the contraction of the ventricles when they drive the blood from the heart.
Although the most recurrent use of the term heart is to refer to the mentioned body equipped with both animals and humans, also the word is used to refer other issues...
The place in which tend to stay internal feelings, desires and passions of the people referred to as heart. I followed what I gave heart and why I decided to return with John.
In addition, the Center or inside of a thing is called heart. The heart of a fruit is the richest.
To the third finger of the five that make up the hand and the longer it is called it popularly as heart.
And many people use the Word as an affectionate nickname. You see, here heart.