Meaning and Definition of Hemiplegia

Definition of hemiplegia

Hemiplegia is a quite common health problem and serious that we suffer human beings and especially characterized because a whole side of our body will seize up, while the other remains normal.
It is worth to indicate this condition manifests itself very evident in the physical and therefore it is easy to recognize it. In principle, the movement of the affected body part will be neutralized, as their sensitivity, i.e., nothing will feel on that side or can be mobilized. Another usual physical expression is that some important features, like for example speech, can be affected by hemiplegia.
If you notice some of these demonstrations will have to make an appointment with your doctor who can confirm the condition of the box with a clinical review.
The treatment usually prescribed to overcome this immobility is the fitness of those members and affected muscles. There are special exercises that doctors indicated for these cases. Also, and in addition to physiotherapy is recommended acupuncture.
In the majority of cases, hemiplegia, is fired after suffering from a stroke, popularly known as ACV. A strong blood flow decrease occurs in the ACV and then various consequences, including mentioned paralysis of one part of the body can be unleashed.
Currently, LCA, has become a health problem certainly extended among the adult population and have also managed to appear cases at relatively young people, but of course they are less frequent.
Unfortunately, in older adults causes invalidity total to perform as came it doing and being little encouraging recovery prognosis, however, when it occurs in young people, the ability to recover is much higher since the brain is younger and can more easily be reactivated.
Now, while the ACV takes the lead in terms of causes of hemiplegia also may be other triggers such as: lesions in the brain product of strong shock or by the presence of tumors, meningitis disease or any condition in the spine, among others.