Meaning and Definition of Ignore

Definition of ignore

Ignore action shows ignorance to a certain reality, the lack of information about an event that is unknown to the subject. Ignore means to not be aware of what has happened or how are things in relation to a matter.
The person who ignores a certain point has not reached the truth with regard to this matter: the truth only is acquired through the truthful information. It is important to point out that a person can ignore a matter in a completely unintended way or also, can ignore a reality in a conscious way. For example, there are people who use the technique of indifference (ignore the other person) as a seduction technique.
In addition, today is not only possible to ignore a person even if it is in an apparent way in the real world but also in the virtual universe that brand new forms of communication.

Ignorance is a stimulus to knowledge

From the point of view of the study, it is important to point out that as well as knowledge is inherent to the human being, so is ignorance. Quite simply, because as a matter of time and too much information, it is impossible for a person to understand all issues to the point of becoming a specialist in different areas.
In a common way, people are knowledgeable in a particular area depth and have a superficial knowledge of other areas of reality, completely ignoring other areas.
When a person becomes aware of what is known and what also ignores you can bet by self-improvement go beyond its own boundaries to segur learning through training, through reading and through the observation of the reality.

Be aware of the limits

Ignore is a subject of deep philosophical reflection as shown in the Socratic message: "Only I know that I know nothing". This phrase expresses precisely that beyond all the knowledge acquired, there are still many doors to explore.
This ignorance is a stimulus to strengthen knowledge, knowledge which provides self-esteem, helps keep the mind active and adds wisdom. Only ignorance is constructive by the awareness, i.e. when the person realizes what his own limits.