Meaning and Definition of Impatience

Definition of impatience

Learn to wait not always easy, however, it is more than necessary to remember that time that marks the reality does not always conform to the personal expectations.
Impatience defines the attitude of those people who have a low tolerance for frustration, desire to have control of all situations and want to go one step ahead of reality itself. From this point of view, impatience causes stress and anxiety in him who through his attitude not walking in a relaxed but accelerated way.

Learning to wait

A person may be impatient in different areas of your life. For example, at the working level impatience shown in the desire of those who want to achieve professional success in an automatic mode or is thwarted when do not see visible results in the short term to their initiatives.
From the sentimental point of view, it is possible to be impatient when he who is in love with advances in its history at a breakneck speed. Patience has a limit, and this is very healthy because it also helps us to protect ourselves from situations in which another person may violate our rights.

False perfectionism

Impatience leads to excessive perfectionism of not valuing personal achievements as they are to want always more. From the point of view of the age, the children tend to be very impatient as shown by the fact that when you want a whim, want it at the time.
Adolescence is also a period marked by an almost Innate rebelliousness. With the process of maturity and own adult learning, people also learn to have better emotional management.

Time management

What makes us give us account of that impatience does not lead to any positive purpose? That time passes in an unavoidable way, life is not eternal, and is very important to take advantage of it through positive experiences. Impatience leads us to not enjoy the way toward a goal to only pay the attention to the result of an action, however, patience leads to the wonderful experience of enjoying the journey as a vital treasure. Happiness is not only in the mind but also, in the process.
The real success is reserved for those who, from the emotional point of view, give more opportunities, not left drag by impatience. I.e., they are patients in love, in friendship, at work...