Meaning and Definition of Impulse

Definition of impulse

A pulse is the trend that mostly humans experience even once in life and which implies acting moved by some emotion while has mediated previous deliberation of reason.
This trend to "act without thinking" is mobilized by vacuuming any type of contact with another person who can be physical or emotional. Meanwhile, those who are usually seen in his conduct a repeated tendency to act using only by impulses, called them impulse. It is usually placed on this feature within and next to those that will determine the overall personality of an individual; Why will be very common that in addition to listen, when defining someone by their attitude, which a person is friendly, deep, intelligent, good, bad, also hear tell of someone who is impulsive / or, recursively moves it emotion rather than reason.
Also, it is almost a law without lyrics, which most people associate and granted to the concept of "impulsive" connotations and a negative charge and this will be accompanied by the description on which such is impulsive, is you follow a series of comments non sanctos in this regard, given that, in general (and erroneously), is often describe how impulsive people who boast a violent respond to stimuli or to the required mode. This is him because that term now enjoys a very low popularity among the people. Is necessary to make clear that it's "impulsive" has nothing to do with a violent person, i.e. the person already otherwise acts violently tends to respond in this way to every phenomenon that occurs during the life and also usually observe a fast response and without much thought... but not so anyone who sole to be impulsive in his act should be treated pejoratively that would be a mistake.
It is interesting to note that the impulsivity is different from the compulsivity, although both phenomena seem to be based on the same neurological substrate: variations in the levels of dopamine in the nervous system. It is in the brain where run the processes that give rise to which a person is easily driven by impulses, or compulsions. This must be distinguished from the famous "hunches", almost lightning of understanding allowing an individual to anticipate the facts or a decision immediately (impulsive) even in a field in which that choice seems perhaps irrational.
On the other side, the opposite could be said, for physics, the term "push" also occupies a privileged place and described and understood as the physical size of an object, which is previously determined by the variation that experiment in the amount of movement. It is worth noting that it is thanks to the knowledge detailed impulses that it is possible to define and interpret the path of a body subject to the action of an acceleration and then delivered to the forces of inertia or interaction with other processes acting on the. Under the physical impulses expertise has been achieved the feat of manned space travel and the launch of probes robot Voyager, which persist in their movement through outer space to nearly 40 years of its take-off from the surface of the Earth.
Finally, the concept of impulse has also is approved to the idea of stimulus, especially when it comes to motivate the accomplishment of a task on the hand of a person or a group of people in a particular aspect. In this sense, the homology of the word is closest to its application in physics than in terms of human behavior.