Meaning and Definition of Irritable bowel syndrome

Definition of irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome also known as irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder that affects the normal motility of the colon causing various discomfort characterized by abdominal pain, and changes in bowel habits.
This disorder affects approximately one in ten people, mostly women, is due to flaws in the regulation of the contractility of the wall of the intestine thick product of alteration in the production of serotonin in the gut, this favors the appearance of spasms which are perceived as crampy pain of strong intensity that usually occurs after eating and are relieved after evacuating. This disease frequently occurs between different members of the same family for what has been associated with the presence of a genetic predisposition.
A characteristic symptom of this disorder is the presence of abdominal distention, accompanied by changes in bowel habits, constipation is very common however also there may be diarrhea, or more commonly, a cyclical variation between periods of time with constipation and others with diarrhea.
This disease occurs in the form of crisis after periods of mental stress or by the intake of fiber-rich foods, dairy or fats. With treatment, symptoms improve and can disappear for several months or years to reappear after contact with a trigger.
Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition that is associated with other diseases, especially Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. It occurs frequently in people suffering from disorders such as anxiety and depression, or those with a history of violence or physical or sexual abuse.
Diagnosis of this disease is confirmed to rule out other causes of symptoms, especially infections by bacteria or parasites, diseases of the liver and gallbladder and other digestive disorders. To be confused with other disorders, it has been the cause of unnecessary invasive procedures and surgical interventions.
Treatment is based on the use of medications that regulate bowel motility and prevent the onset of spasms, but has always thought that the fiber is a great ally for health is often disturbing and aggravate patients with irritable bowel syndrome, so the treatment of this condition must be complemented with low-fiber diets It is beneficial to restrict consumption of dairy, nuts as peanuts and greasy foods such as cheeses or eggs. Some people need help to reduce their levels of anxiety and learn to handle stress as a complement to achieve greater relief of symptoms.