Meaning and Definition of Kinetic energy

Definition of kinetic energy

Capacity that has a body when producing a work

Use general says that energy is the force or power holding something or someone, meanwhile, in the field of physics that is where is used the concept to us occupied then power is the ability to presenting a body when it comes to produce, generate a work. In the case of the kinetic energy, one of the many types of energy that we can bump, is energy which has any body because of its movement, i.e. which it originates by move.

That possess any body as a result of its motion

Referred to as kinetic energy which will own any body as consequence of their movement and case will depend on the mass and speed that present the same. Then, it's the energy that is closely linked with the bodies that are in motion.

The windmills are moved by kinetic energy

If we had to mention an example to understand it clearly we will quote the of the wind moving blades that make up a windmill.
This energy is being studied and is vital for the development of many activities from several centuries ago. The windmills whose main mission is the grinding wheat just make use of this energy and are fundamental to instances of this task.
It is often called in writing as Ec or Ek.

How does this energy?

Kinetic energy is the essential work to precipitate a certain body of a mass from what is understood as his rest until the speed reaches, then, once activation any body will keep their kinetic energy provided you do not modify your speed. Meanwhile, to bring the body back to the State of rest is essential a job but to the wrong side of the body, in the negative sense of kinetic energy.
As happens with other physical magnitudes which are functions of the speed, the kinetic energy does not only depend on the object itself, of the inner nature manifesting this, but that will also depend on the relationship between the object and the observer, which in physics, not to believe that you it's one person as in other areas in which this word is used , but that is here embodied by a precise coordinate system.

Calculation of kinetic energy

To carry out the calculation of the kinetic energy there are several ways and they depend on the type of mechanics that is used, whether it is classical, quantum and Relativistic and also in calculating impact factors such as the size, the speed that the body and the particles through which is formed.
An example that will help us to better understand this issue of kinetic energy and this is transformed into other types of energy and other types of this... carts that make up a roller coaster they achieve the most of its power when they are towards the end of the tour, at the time of having to rise, the kinetic energy will immediately be transformed into gravitational energy staying constant power, even at the expense of friction or other factors involving delay.

Kinds of kinetic energy

There are different types of kinetic energy of translation, which occurs when an object components still one direction. For its part the kinetic energy of rotation is that which occurs when the parts of the object rotate.
And the molecular kinetic energy is that it is possible to observe molecules in matter.
William Thomson, or first Baron Kelvin, British mathematician and physicist after having received the distinction for being the creator of the Kelvin temperature scale, is one of them that most contributions they made in the matter of kinetic energy.