Meaning and Definition of Large

Definition of large

The big word is a term most often used in everyday language and therefore is really important to their presence at the talks and communication in general.
Meanwhile, another feature of the term turns out to be the multiplicity of references that supports... and so is one of its basic uses allows to realize that which surpasses in size, magnitude and significance to what is considered normal. The leg of the table is so great that I do not believe that we can pass it through the door. The illusion that I had done was so large that the truth is that I feel very, very sad.
Another use of the word, which is also recurrent in the colloquial language gives us the task of designating the adult when there is talk in relation to children, is clear. My son is so great that I can't believe you already to start the garden of five.
Also, those individuals that occupy in an organization, institution, a high ladder and those who by their work, or that have been able to play in the past and which has reported them a considerable public notoriety, usually them designate popularly as big. Diego Maradona is the greatest footballer who has given Argentinian football. Large Club leadership is quoted in today to define the future of the coach.
And as well we deployed above, when it comes from a word widely used in everyday language, it can be found in several popular expressions, namely: have a great (when someone or several people have a lot fun on one occasion or situation: we had a big party Karen, did not miss anything), big (when something stands out for its luxury or excess (: our trip was to big, we stopped at the best hotels of the city) and the large (in several Spanish-speaking regions, the large appoints the largest Lottery prize).
And in Spain when he speaks of the great of Spain will be making reference to that Member of the Spanish nobility that presents the highest degree in the hierarchy established in the same.