Meaning and Definition of Lateral Sclerosis amyotrophic

Definition of Lateral Sclerosis amyotrophic

The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative disease of the nervous system, in contrast to the Multiple sclerosis that affects the lining of the myelin sheath of the nerve extensions, als affects the body in the nerve cell called neuron; This involvement initially destroys the neuron, subsequently and progressive degeneration and its extensions reabsorption occurs. ALS is also known as Charcot disease, in honor to the neurologist who described it in 1874, or Lou Gehrig's disease famous baseball player who suffered it and died of it in 1941. Probably the most famous face of this disease is the renowned British physicist Stephen Hawking, who lives with her since 20 years.
ALS affects only the neurons related to motor activity, so its major manifestations are loss of muscle strength, stupidity and lack of coordination to carry out movements, paralysis and atrophy of the muscles. This disease does not produce alterations of sensitivity, does not produce pain, visual disturbances or digestive or urinary abnormalities, neither impairs the mental faculties of the sick.
Affects approximately one person in every 100,000, more often male, there is a familial tendency so there is a hereditary component associated. Once you start this disease progresses ever affecting a greater number of muscles, initially there may be an increase in muscle tone of the legs by spasticity and weakness, can subsequently occur palsy, which affects the nerves that stimulate motor activity in the head and face, especially those related to speech and swallowing as well as legs and arms This affects the patient making him speak and swallow food.
This disease progressively impairs muscular system, in a period of 3 to 5 years tends to produce death by involvement of the muscles responsible for breathing in approximately 90% of cases. It is a little frequent but devastating disease with great impact both for the patient and their family group, especially since there is no specific treatment that has been proven to treat or stop its progress.
The patient affected by Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis requires special care, in initial stages physiotherapy helps to control spasticity and weakness, the implementation of assistance for the March devices such as braces, canes, and walkers allow you to scroll, in advanced stages is required the use of a wheelchair, devices to synthesize the voice, as well as respiratory support devices that allow to carry out ventilation and may even require the use of devices as probes to feed the patient.
There are many diseases that produce similar symptoms that may be confused with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, but unlike this if they can be treated, such is the case of osteoarthritis of the cervical spine, intoxication by heavy metals and pesticides, tumor such as lymphomas and even infections diseases. This is a disease that should be handled by medical neurologists.