Meaning and Definition of Organic waste

Definition of organic waste

A scrap or waste is that material that is no longer required and you want it removed. Garbage results from the development of the everyday activities of humans; in most of the actions that we deploy human beings we generate some kind of scrap.
Waste classifies them according to the composition with: scrap organic, will be one who has a biological origin, i.e., ever had life or was part of a living being, such is the case of the branches of the trees, the leaves of the trees and plants, shells of different fruits and all waste resulting from the preparation of food in the House , in one restaurant, among others.
Then, we find inorganic wastes which are those that have a non-biological origin and come from industry or any other process that is not natural, such as: plastics, fabrics.
Hazardous wastes, which indicates its name are highly detrimental to the health of human beings, may be biological or non-biological and due to the potential dangers of must be yes or Yes be handled very carefully, for example: infectious material from a hospital, radioactive materials, chemical substances, among others.
Meanwhile, for wastes or wastes there are places and containers, houses or apartments both in public, specially designed for this task, i.e. to avoid waste in any place may affect our quality of life.
At home, at work, in hospitals, in schools, we know them as cans of trash or debris, which can be of different sizes, shapes and colors, depending on the needs and personal preferences. Once the tacho or container is full it must be emptied in a place intended for that purpose, where will be removed by the collection company of waste to finally dispose of the places that correspond.
And in public, Governments or corresponding to each community local administrations have units public, standardized; big cities tend to have one in each corner so that passers-by can eliminate waste produced in an organized way and without getting dirty and polluting the public environment.