Meaning and Definition of Phobia

Definition of phobia

The phobia is something akin to the feeling of fear, but measured, turns out to be much more intense and disproportionate. Phobia can have different denominators, i.e., for example we can have you phobia to different places, the most common is to closed spaces, known as claustrophobia, as well as to certain insects, objects or situations. Another condition that can arise from phobias, are called "panic attacks". And it is almost in hand, because in general who have phobia of anything, as for example spiders (aragnofobia) experienced a sense of high or extreme panic at being exposed to one or more of these species of insects. And it is a condition that is mental, psychological in origin, the only cure that exists is the subjection to treatment, mainly psychological, because clear, we can not forget of some alternative therapies, though, from here we prefer to recommend that more reliable is a professional who studied on the subject and is able to be in charge of providing the solution. Generally, those who suffer some kind of phobia are aware of this situation. However, major fears that this situation or thing produced them is so great that they cannot prevent it despite this awareness. As certain other conditions, the phobic (to anything) usually take to tell this situation to other people, confessing this first (when decided) nearest people, like family and friends. Meanwhile, in this respect, treatment, has advanced a lot in the last time, because let us not forget, that if well fear certain things dates back to many years, in recent years phobia and its certainly an infinite number of variants (Agarofobia: fear of public places, Hydrophobia: fear of the water, acrophobia: fear of height, Gamofobia: fear of marriage) (, and the list continues...) they were presented as the psychological problem that affects people of these times, and is precisely thanks to this picture of chaos, which both advanced in the search for effective therapies. Phobias markedly present, the panic attacks, stress or depression, are some of the conditions recognized as "of our era". Some credited it to change speed and immediacy with which we tend to live day to day. Example cases can occur when, after a certain period of time living day to day with too many concerns, commitments and work, relax or get away from the city, when a feeling of emptiness, similar to what would be a panic attack can be experienced, and in this sense, is like a phobia to the change of pace, who comes from a getting used to what we call "normal life" (although at this "normal life" live it to the) stitched). Some professionals choose virtual therapy so desensitized to the phobic of their fears. Another alternative is the one known as a technique of flooding or graduated exposure therapy. And all of these, depending on the seriousness of the case, may be accompanied by some kind of anxiolytic that regulate or progressively inhibit anxiety and paralysis which in many cases are the best allies of any kind of phobia.