Meaning and Definition of: Prison

Definition of prison

He is designated with the name of prison to those spaces that are specifically designed, designed and built to accommodate individuals considered to be criminal or dangerous to the rest of society. Prison aims, then keep in captivity who do not respect the law explicitly established by a society and should thus receive some kind of punishment or penalty for such a situation.
Modern prisons, designed in general terms in the 19th century, are establishments that usually take place in large grounds (as these are complexes of several buildings) which are mainly areas of cells for prisoners, but also offices and spaces for specific activities such as dining rooms, gymnasiums and centers of visits. Cells tend to be reduced in terms of space and can count on a basic furniture (beds, a sink or a toilet) minimum for the prisoner (although many directly does not include it). Logically, these cells and most of the rooms are protected by various security systems: bars, locks of precision and the presence of warders and police officers.
Prisons can be classified according to the type of prisoners who contain. While there are prisons differentiated for men and women, there are also prison for dangerous prisoners, juvenile prisoners, or prisoners who have committed certain types of crime. There is also a prison for "prisoners vip" in which prisoners have access to all the services and amenities that would have released and are therefore highly criticized.
One of the main objectives of the prison, as well as punish the criminal, is the to allow him to reflect on his crime and reforming it through different activities to then return to society as a good guy. However, due to overcrowding, to the increase in crime, the deterioration of prison infrastructure, the lack of reform and construction projects, nowadays most of the prisons in the world do not meet those goals, becoming mere containment or passing places for criminals who commit crimes once released and up to perhaps learn new criminal behaviour in the workplace.