Meaning and Definition of Quantifiers

Definition of quantifiers

At the behest of logic, mathematics and set theory, the quantifiers are symbols used in the above contexts to note how many or the types of elements that comprise a given set and which meet certain property.
We can find a variety of quantifiers, although more employees include: universal quantifier and existential quantifier.
The universal quantifier, which is symbolized as well: ∀, is employed with the mission to establish that all the elements of an array meet a given property. For its part, the existential quantifier, will be used to point out that there are one or more elements altogether concerned that comply with a given property.
Note that this word is closely related to another concept, the to quantify, which implies an action that is the of stating an amount.
Then, this indicates that both concepts are linked to quantitative involving the indication of a magnitude from numbers.
Always be quantified something is will be putting the situation in question in numbers, fact that allows to know sometimes the magnitude or scope that may have this situation.
Thus, for example, when we say that a chain car crash left the balance of 10 dead and 20 wounded it allows us to know that it was an accident really important and high impact because precisely there were several victims.
Quantification is a hyper present in our daily lives, not only allows us to know the scope of a particular event, but also allows us to ask for a certain amount of something for that way not to acquire something in excess, or failing that then something is missing us and prevent us to perform that task or proposed action.