Meaning and Definition of Reply

Definition of reply

An answer is the answer to a question, a clarification that emerged in the dialogue between a transmitter and a receiver. Dialogue opposes the monologue in which only involved a person. The answer is a fundamental part of the process of assertive communication that involves two people and there must be active listening so that there is a mutual understanding. A reply shows a deliberate, reflected and thought to a given question response.
The constant search of an answer, even when you know it doesn't exist it
People need to internally understand reality to rational level, therefore, always tend to seek the answer to all your questions. However, from the philosophical point of view, human level produces the contradiction that there are many questions that do not have a clear answer. For example, is an open question to know if there is life after death, what is the origin of the universe, there is no scientific evidence for the existence of God... In this sense, human beings also built their own responses according to their values and these answers help you live better.
The rejection in the communication
From another point of view, in human communication, the absence of response can also be very painful. This is the case when a person asks a question to another and it does not respond. For example, there are people who constantly wonder why that were victims of an infidelity.
The truth is that in life there is to look forward and learn to live, even in the absence of answers because the question is part of human destiny.
The way in which things are said
From the communication point of view, it is also important to point out that it is not only basic what you say but also, the way in which you say it. In other words, you also communicate with your body language, your attitude and your tone of voice. That is why when you give an answer to another person also you have to consider this information to have a global vision of reality.
Good education reflects the courtesy of responding with kindness to a specific question. In some cases, an unknown can also be who ask you a question on the street and wait your answer. For example, it may be someone who you ask the hour which is or where is located a church which has great tourist value.
Every day, we speak many questions and many answers because the word defines the human being in its essence.