Meaning and Definition of School

Definition of school

We understand by school to that institution which is engaged in the process of teaching and learning between students and teacher. The school is one of the most important institutions in the life of a person, perhaps also one of the primary after the family since currently assumes that child is integrated into it since its early years to end it normally close to adulthood. The school as we understand it today is no doubt some a very recent element of society. This has to do with the fact that historically the process of teaching and learning education was limited to the most powerful sectors of society. Thus, most of the people used to not receive any kind of education more than the basic knowledge required to perform a task in particular (agriculture, handicrafts, Commerce, etc.). It would not be until the mid-nineteenth century that the school would appear in Western societies as a vital institution. This had to do with the notion of democratizing knowledge but also with a need for national Governments to transmit a single speech to as many as possible of the population. The school was then removed from the exclusive field of religion and became a secular space dominated by the State according to their interests. For many specialists, school is the place from which the person not only receives knowledge and varied information if not that also socializes with other realities that may not be equal to their own. School is as well understood as a kind of experience to adult life. However, for others the school represents a space where are reproduced and repeated all the inequalities existing in the society starting from the notion of power and hierarchy to acts of violence and abuse between peers or between different participants of it. The ideal model of school continues to be one in which everyone can access the same type of knowledge without therefore having to lose our freedom to question or contribute to it.