Meaning and Definition of Solar energy

Definition of Solar energy

Solar energy is the energy which is obtained by capturing the light and heat emitted by the Sun.
That energy emanating from the Sun, humans can convert it into useful energy, i.e., either to heat something either to produce electricity, among the most common and relevant applications that are done with it.
According to different studies, each year, the Sun produces 4 thousand times more energy than humans are able to consume, so their potential is truly unlimited and renewable energies more developed and employed in most of the world.
The intensity of the mentioned energy available in a given point of the earth depends on the day of the year, the time and latitude, although it will also affect the amount of energy that can collect, the orientation that has the receiving device.
Solar renewable energy is mainly used for heating things such as food or water, this is known as solar thermal energy and the other applications is for the generation of electricity, which is popularly known as photovoltaic solar energy.
Meanwhile, devices employing more at the behest of the solar thermal energy are solar stoves and water heaters, on the other hand, to produce electricity that are used are solar cells, which are the soul of the solar panels and which are in final mission to transform it into electric energy.
Although listed are the most recurrent uses notes, solar power is not limited to this only but there are many other uses such as: purification of water, drying, solar heaters, cooling, distillation and evaporation.
As it can be seen from the uses of this type of energy are various and very important and also new technologies are still investigating and every day you discover a new way to take advantage of it. It is also one of renewable energy which further investments are being made; the dozens of solar farms being built in the world in order to transform this energy into electricity are magnificent.
On the other hand, it is a green energy when using it it is helping to combat the dangerous global warming who unfortunately lives our planet these days.