Meaning and Definition of Speech

Definition of speech

According to the use given to the term speaks, it may cover different situations.

College and action speak

The faculty that has an individual speak it is known as he speaks; "after the shock in which fell after the accident, fortunately, John regained speech." The action of speaking implies the possibility that holds a person successfully to pronounce words, prayers, for thus do is understand.
Also, action speak is called speech, for example, the vocal cords are involved in the Act of speech of the people.
On the other hand, in the current language, people tend to use the word spoken to refer to the peculiar or personal mode that presents a particular person when he speaks; "Laura is distinguished from her classmates by extremely warm speech that has".

Use in Linguistics

At the behest of Linguistics, speech, is understood as that associative selection that includes images with sound and words and that speakers have printed in our minds, process that closes with the voluntary act of phono articulation is done and begins the path of any language.
Also, in Linguistics speech is that linguistic system that boasts a region, a locality, community, one people, among others, which presents own and characteristic traits within a larger system. In the majority of cases, these dialects spoken in regions or provinces tend to be handled by native speakers and those who were not born there, although they are from the same country will find it you difficult understanding and communication.

Expression to speech

Linked to the term, it is common that we find the expression of speech, which refers, in communication, in treatment, with respect to any matter, for example, someone who is interested in renting a House, will tell its owner that they will be speaking to arrive at a definition of the operation.
And also, in some parts of the world, is often used the expression to speech in telephone responses to realize that the person who answers the call is well arranged, listening to and to discuss with your partner.

Main problems in speech

Speech is then essential in oral communication and any complication or problem in it suffer the communicative capacity of someone.
Now, we must emphasize that there are many problems associated with speech that must be treated immediately to prevent not the power to talk about someone if you persist.
These disorders may include from easiest solution issues, such as the wrong way to use words to serious physical problems as deafness that affects the ability to speak directly.
Another very common difficulty adding to those mentioned is dysphonia, in the most severe cases directly the person cannot make sound. This often is due to significant efforts caused speech, such as yelling, angina or flu that affects the throat, or some disease in the vocal cords.
For his part, stuttering tends to be another common disorder in speech and which consists in that the person who suffers it involuntarily interrupted his speech. Some factors such as organic, psychic and stress can lead to stuttering pictures.
This condition can have serious consequence on the social life of who suffers from it because it is usual that the affected to retract and desist from speaking out publicly fearing to suffer jokes and loaded with people, something that unfortunately happens very often.
And also suffering from a brain injury due to an accident or as a result of a disease, such as stroke, can cause, among other symptoms, difficulties in the ability to speak of the patient.