Meaning and Definition of Speech

Definition of speech

Speech is the discipline that deals with assess, diagnose and intervene in human communication disorders, although it also displays a major task in the optimization of human communication that occurs in normal terms. Speech therapy is the name with which is known in Latin American countries, meanwhile, in Italy and Spain it is called Logopaedics, France orthoepy and countries of English-speaking is often referred to as pathology, language or speech therapy. Since human beings are born begins to communicate with their immediate environment, especially with the mother, to this stage referred to as the linguistic pre and involves all of the above to the spoken language, which prepares the child for the future development of verbal, because the Faculty of talk is not something that happens once and ready but which in reality is acquiring and consolidating from different evolutionary stages. As it increases their need to express themselves the child learns to speak, in the early stages, the primary communication will be through crying, although with time it will begin to observe variations which will allow the mother to distinguish when it's a cry of pain, sleep, hunger, among others. After the exposed arises the babbling stage; approximately two months the child begins to tirelessly repeat vowel sounds guttural; This babbling will happen as long as you are in a situation of physiological tranquility, i.e. when external stimuli do not call your attention and when their needs are properly met. From the second half of life come into scene auditory stimuli that allow the creation of new sounds, then vocal activity will become increasingly more productive with the passage of the weeks. Just a year of age, the child will begin to attribute meanings to certain sounds. Within speech, there are several areas, which occupy the resolution or the improvement of some of its major disorders such is the case of: Audiology (prevention, detection, measurement, diagnosis and prevention of hearing problems, dangers of excessive exposure to noise), child language (language disorders) and pervasive development disorders, adult language or neurogenic (aphasias (, all level apraxias, dysarthria of all levels, cognitive impairment, dementia, trauma cranial brain, normal aging), voice (dysphonia and optimization of voice in professional use) and swallowing (dysphagia, disadvantages when it comes to swallowing food).