Meaning and Definition of Statement

Definition of statement

The concept of statement is used in our language and has a reference in several contexts. Meanwhile, in its most general and broad use a statement will be all that expression that is made to express a point of view or opinion, will a feeling on the subject from something or someone.
Then, in this sense, almost any expression can be understood as a statement unless it is put in the form of question. The term can be used in different ways and in very characteristic and specific expressions. In other words, a statement is a way to express something that one thinks or feels, both exclamative form on a regular basis, making use of various resources and meanings.
Characteristics of statements
Normally, a statement can have almost any meaning, if expressed in affirmative way. Another important element is that the statements should be involved in all cases a taking of position with respect to the subject or a point of view, since otherwise they become simple descriptive sentences. In common parlance, there are different types of statements that can be used every day and having to do with the communication of our opinions to others. Examples for this case are loving declarations, declarations of conflict or statements of actions to follow ('I want to marry you', 'this does not seem fair, you have to change your attitude' or 'I want to have an organized room', respectively).
The Declaration in the field of law
The concept of declaration is also used as a term to describe those more specific expressions that occur in areas different from everyday language. In this style are the legal statements that one can perform in different legal acts in which we are involved directly, because we start them, or that were involved by a circumstantial situation, because for example we observe as witnesses a robbery and then forces investigating the case cited us to take us statement about what we saw and so be able to solve the case.
Worth mentioning is that these statements which are made in judicial or police headquarters are made under oath and it must be reported most in detail the event that occurred, to, as we said, help the authorities in their early resolution and punishment for perpetrators.
On the other hand we can find with affidavits, which are public documents in which officials or Ministers of State let settlers wealth and assets that have at the time of assuming the civil service. These statements are of utmost importance when wanting to check if the officer in question has been enriched or not through the public service. This situation is easy to be discovered because there is more to appreciate property that is available before and who currently has, and if many more may determine if they were acquired improperly, if is the value thereof exceed the money that is perceived as wage.
And on the other hand we can find other statements whose motivation is the proclamation of certain situations, or failing that the dignity of certain issues, such is the case of the Declaration of independence of a country or the Declaration of human rights, respectively.
The independence of a nation implies that it is not subject to the designs of another State in any aspect and then, will be free to decide all issues inherent to their development and operation. The story leaves us to lie and then the declarations of independence that have occurred throughout history around the world had to do with just the reaction of a community against oppression and the yoke another State, usually more powerful subjected it to which.
And for its part the Declaration of rights are political documents which recognize and identify rights and freedoms deemed to the life and development of people... freedom of speech, of worship, to life, to work, among others, are some of the most important collecting these documents.