Meaning and Definition of Tear

Definition of tear

The word tear refers to the break of a structure or tissue of the body. Tears may be superficial or deep, and should be evaluated to avoid possible complications.
Although they can occur anywhere, the tears are more common in some locations, especially in structures vulnerable to injuries.
The skin is one of the main settlements of such conditions, where it is more commonly known as wounds, which may occur as a result of a fall or be infringed by an object intentionally or accidentally.
Another common location make it the muscles during exercise without preheating, or the execution of a sudden movement, an uncut muscle can rip apart fully or partially. In addition to muscle tears also can be located in tissues more resistant as the tendons and ligaments, this is precisely what happens in sprains, where after a sudden movement of investment or eversion of the foot is stretched the ankle ligament can tear, another articulation where this is usually common is on the shoulder, there tears are one of the main causes of Rotator cuff injuries.
In Gynecology also are often tears, these occur frequently at the level of the vaginal Canal or in the vulva with the passing of the head of the fetus during labor. To prevent them obstetricians perform an incision called episiotomy, this is a court that seeks to increase the size of the duct to avoid the appearance of a tear.
Given that a tear necessarily imply a break, they are always accompanied by a hemorrhage, the severity of which will vary according to the size of the broken blood vessel or if this is a vein or an artery. Bleeding by blood break are more complicated since the blood in the arteries flow with increased pressure so the lost blood always is greater, hemorrhages produce anemia and can jeopardize life upon the occurrence of a condition known as hypovolemia accompanied by low pressure. For each half litre of blood lost is produces a decrease of one gram of hemoglobin.
Surface tears have a potential for contamination with bacteria and become infected, also having exposure of blood vessels it is possible that the germs reach the bloodstream spreading to other parts of the body via the circulatory system.
Deep tears are recognized because they are accompanied by severe pain, limitation for mobilization, increase in volume and the emergence of a purplish coloration of the skin overlying due to hemorrhage, in this situation it is necessary to suspend physical activity, rest and go to a medical orthopedist to define the extent of the injury and the need to carry out a surgical repair. Surface tears must be disinfected and repaired with stitches, usually indicated the application of tetanus toxoid to prevent tetanus and the use of antibiotics may be indicated when there are risk factors, chronic diseases or the wound is contaminated.