Meaning and Definition of Warranty

Definition of warranty

In general terms, warranty refers to the action that a person, a company or trade display in order to secure what timely manner stipulated in a contractual commitment, i.e. through the implementation or presentation of a guarantee, which will seek to do is to provide greater security to the fulfilment of an obligation or the payment of a debt , as appropriate.
Not only through the presentation of a guarantee is officially installed the obligation to respond to a problem in the operation of what was agreed but also that the warranty is the document that in the event that this response does not appear one may submit to justice or to the competent authority so requiring compliance that was agreed.
Secure shopping
Because, for example, for consumers, it will be of great importance know that if you buy this or that product in a given trade, this delivers the assurance that in the event shortly after of purchasing a product or service, usually the term is usually between six months to a year, if it introduced some kind of inconvenience with regards to its correct functioning immediately, the company will take care of your arrangement to get him back to work as it was purchased, or failing of the replacement of the same product or service, if it is that not any in stock, for example.
Many times, and especially when you buy electronics consumers often demand that you delivered them the applicable warranty, even can cause someone to desist from a purchase if it is that it is not delivered as.
This warranty becomes effective and manifest through a paper from the manufacturer or marketer, in which shall be recorded in the lapse of time which covers the warranty and the date on which the product was acquired. At this point, then, it is very important that when they deliver a product with a guarantee of purchase set the day, month and year must be that buy it is because from the moment it starts running the warranty time. If that date is not installed properly it may not be the relevant claims in the event of non-compliance.
Of course, once past that period, if any any inconvenience with the purchase already will not correspond to who sold the product replace or fix it, but to the consumer.
Claims for breach of warranty
Meanwhile, most of the consumer protection laws include a dual regime of guarantees, one called contractual or voluntary, which is precisely that described above and the other called legal, which, broadly speaking, provides that all buyers of things that are not consumed in its first use, for example, watches, computers, appliances, automobiles among others, shall apply to a legal warranty, usually three months at least, in case arising technical malfunctions or defects affecting the proper functioning of the acquired asset.
If for example a company not wanted to respond to a situation as described, the consumer must resort to advice from the national Office of consumer protection, which will give you the tools so that you can claim more firmly.
Guarantee of a property
Also, when a person needs to rent a property, the conditions required of it include the presentation of a guarantee, which will be represented for example by the title of ownership of other property, that will do as a guarantee and that it normally provides an acquaintance, friend or family member. This implies that if who rents the apartment or House breach in the payment of the rent, who came out of guarantee, which will be the owner of the property submitted as collateral, it will be who must answer for the absence of payment, taking clear back- up pay the value of the property has.
This situation is that people often Salle guarantor to those who know certainly and in those who have full confidence that will meet the demands of a contract of this type.
The value of the word and the background
Voucher that let us also underline that there are symbolic guarantees, associated to the knowledge of a performance or the value of a committed Word, i.e. the product, object, or person in question do not come with a written guarantee but we believe in its value because we know them and know for example that are able to perform in a certain way and on the other hand because they trust , already with that is sufficient guarantee to us that everything will run ok.