Meaning and Definition of Electronegativity

Definition of electronegativity

Basically the electronegativity is a measure that shows the ability that holds an atom to attract electrons that correspond to other Atom when both form a chemical bond. This link is a typical chemical process responsible for the interactions that occur between atoms, ions and molecules.
It is mentioned that the largest Atom greater ability to attract electrons, insofar as possible, that ability to attract will be associated with two issues such as: their ionization potential and the electroafinidad.
Knowledge of the extent of electronegativity is very important when it comes to know the type of link that will generate two atoms after his combination, i.e. much more easily be predicted it.
The links that occur between atoms corresponding to the same class and have the same electronegativity will be non-polar. Then, the more significant is the difference in terms of electronegativity between two atoms mayor will be the Electron density in the vicinity of the atom that is more electronegative.
However, it is worth mentioning that when the difference in subject of electronegativity between two atoms is important, there will be a total transfer of electrons and will form what is known as ionic species.
In the particular case of metals, as they have a low electronegativity they form positive ions while non-metals have a lower electronegativity and negative ions are formed.
There are two scales, the Pauling and Mulliken, to classify the different values of electronegativities of the atoms.
In the first the most electronegative element that appears is fluorine, with a value of 4.0, while the less electronegative is francium, with just 0.7. The American Linus Carl Pauling was one of the first quantum chemists and in 1954 recognized its enormous contribution distinguishing the Nobel Prize in chemistry.
For its part, on the Mulliken scale, neon has a value of 4.60 while that rubidium 0.99. Robert Sanderson Mulliken was also a leading American chemist, developed not only in research but also in the training of professionals. In 1966, he received the Nobel Prize in chemistry.