Paracelsus- Notable Biographies

(1493/11/10 - 1541/09/24)

Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim
Swiss chemist and doctor

He was born on November 10, 1493 in Einsiedeln. The son of a doctor who taught him the first letters and made you know and admire nature. As a child he accompanied his father on visits sick.
He studied the Liberal Arts (trivium: grammar, rhetoric, dialectic, quadrivium: geometry, arithmetic, music and astronomy) probably in Vienna and in Ferrara, Italy, where it was titled doctor, and following the custom of the time, he Latinized his name and chose that of Paracelsus.
He began a long journey through Europe, came to Moscow and descending through Kiev for the Balkans, arrived to Asia minor and Egypt, from where he returned to Villach through Italy. Their pilgrimage lasted 12 years. Many young people followed him in these adventures. He said then: "midwives, healers, necromancers, barbers, shepherds and peasants know many things that apparently have not been taken into consideration by the learned doctors. Barbers, doctors of the people, know the art of curing, not at the mercy of the books but through the light of nature or by tradition from the ancient Magi."
Great critic with the belief of the Scholastics, that diseases were caused by an imbalance of body fluids, or humors and that healed by bloodletting and purges. Paracelsus believed that disease comes from abroad, so it created various mineral remedies that, in his opinion, the body could defend itself.
She identified the characteristics of numerous diseases such as goiter and syphilis, and used ingredients such as sulfur and mercury to combat them. It was a forerunner of homeopathy. His writings contain elements of magic. Of Paracelsus rebellion against the ancient precepts of medicine released the medical thinking, paving the way for a more scientific way.
He accepted the offer of Prince Ernesto de Baviera to settle in Salzburg, where he died on September 24, 1541.
The seven rules of Paracelsus
1st the first thing is to improve health. This should breathe as often as possible, deep and rhythmic, filling the lungs, to the open air or extend to a window well. Drink in small SIPs, two liters of water every day, eat lots of fruits, chew food in the most perfect way, avoiding alcohol, tobacco and drugs, unless you were for some reason serious treatment. Bathe daily, is a habit that you have for your own dignity.
2nd quite banish your mood, for more reasons that exist, any concept of pessimism, resentment, hatred, boredom, sadness, revenge and poverty. Flee as the plague of all occasion treat people mean, vicious, ruines, murmuradoras, indolent, gossipy, vain or vulgar and lower by natural baseness of understanding or sensualistas topics that form the basis of his speeches or occupations. The observance of this rule is critical: it's changing spiritual texture of your soul. It is the only way to change your destination, because this depends on our actions and thoughts. Random does not exist.
3rd get all the good possible. It helps all unfortunate whenever you can, but you never have weaknesses by any person. You must look after your own energy and escape of all sentimentality.
4th forget all offense, even more: strive to think well of the greatest enemy. Your soul is a temple which should not ever be polluted by hatred. All the great ones have been guided by this soft inner voice, but you speak not so suddenly, you have to prepare yourself for a while; destroy the overlapping layers of old habits, thoughts and mistakes that weigh on your mind, which is divine and perfect in itself, but impotent by the imperfect vehicle that you offer you today so manifest, skinny meat.
5th must pick up all the days where nobody can disturb you, even for half an hour, sit more comfortably with eyes half ajar and not thinking of anything. This strongly strengthens the brain and spirit and will put you in contact with the good influences. In this state of meditation and silence, they tend to occur is we sometimes bright ideas, susceptible to change all existence. Over time all problems that arise will be victoriously resolved by an inner voice that will guide you in these moments of silence, alone with your conscience. That's the daimon of Socrates speaks.
6th must keep absolute silence of all your personal affairs. Abstain, as if you had made solemn oath, referring to others, even your most intimate everything you think, hear, know, learn, suspect or discover. for a long time must be at least as walled House or garden sealed. It is very important rule.
7th never issues the men or inspire you startle the day tomorrow. Keep your soul clean and strong and all you will get well. Never do think only or weak, because there are powerful armies, which you do not conceive in dreams behind you. If you rise your spirit there is evil that can touch you. The only enemy to whom you should fear is yourself. Fear and mistrust in the future are dismal mothers of all failures, attract the bad influences and with them the disaster. If you study carefully to people of good luck, you'll see that intuitively, they observe much of the rules that above. Many of the allegan wealth, very is true that are not at all good people, in the right direction, but possess many virtues that are mentioned above. On the other hand, the wealth is not synonymous with happiness; Can be one of the factors that she leads, by the power that gives us to exercise great and noble works; but longer-lasting happiness only succeeds by other ways; there where never reigns the old Satan of the legend, whose real name is selfishness. Never complain about anything, it dominates your senses; he flees both humility and vanity. The humility subtracted you forces and vanity is so harmful, it's as if we were to say: mortal sin against the Holy Spirit.