What is the Meaning & Definition of bakery

Bakery is a business specializing in the production and sale of different types of bread, as well as also all kinds of products made on the basis of the flour and the buns of mass. A bakery can sell then, in addition to bread, invoices, biscuits and cookies, fine masses, cakes, muffins, pizzas, tarts dough and in some cases also salty foods.
The bakery is one of the most traditional and popular products that are there are variety and can be among the cheapest in the market (especially when talking of bread). However, a bakery can sell products of high quality and very delicious cakes and fine masses.
As local bakery style has changed with the times. In this sense, today we can find many establishments bakers who prepared their own production (which occurs in the majority of cases), while other establishments are only responsible to selling products that are produced on one higher floor or at another bakery. In the first case, the local retail is accompanied by a bakery that is located immediately next to the same and where all the products are prepared to sell.
At the same time, bakeries have now managed to attract new and more numerous customers to integrate a self-service system in which consumers choose the products for themselves. Also, many bakeries today include tables and chairs that make the times of cafeteria and from which you can enjoy the same bakery products.
The elements that are used in a bakery are usually related to mass: flours, sugar, leavening agents, fatty or non-fatty liquids, butter or margarine, flavoring, spices, preservatives and all kinds of baked goods that are used for decoration mainly. One of the most important features of a bakery is the freshness of the products since they are produced and sold on the same day (otherwise, many of them become hardened and lose flavor over time).