What is the Meaning & Definition of basic salary

Salary is the word that refers to the remuneration perceived a worker as a result of the delivery of a professional service or the performance of a charge, since, in any enterprise on a regular basis. I.e., the worker or employee gives the company where he works his knowledge and ability to work and this in return assigned a salary which amount will be determined at the signing of the contract.
The concept of basic salary is a prominent concept within the workplace that refers to that part of the wage that remains fixed regardless of any contingency or circumstance to which it has been subject worker during the month, that Yes, the condition sine quanom will be that it worked throughout the month.
When we say circumstances we are referring to the cluster of other issues also involved on the ground of an individual and end up by modifying the basic value that we talked about, such as: perception of commissions for sales, bonuses, payments of overtime for working on public holidays or rest, plus for night work, among other conditions.
Then, if someone by contract takes a base salary of $2,500 per month, always, whatever happens and obviously doing complies with its presence and schedule work, should perceive such sum to the end or beginning of each month. So, if the individual was at work extra hours during several weekends of the month and also became schedule every day of the month which fulfilled the condition to receive award for presentism which delivers the enterprise in which it plays, his base salary, which as we said is $2,500 will be increased according to values set by activities that are considered extras.
Note that workers use their salaries to meet, in principle, their basic needs and those of your family and in case it allows us is also to acquire those material issues that give pleasure.
There are several synonyms for the word salary, though, the most widespread is the salary.