What is the Meaning & Definition of body posture

Position that has a person or thing

He is called body posture to the situation or manner in which put, position which has, either a person or thing failing.

The spine brings body posture in humans

In so-called vertebrate creatures, body position and posture is marked by the spinal column which is the part of the body of these beings that assumes the function of the spatial position. Thanks to this, i.e. through the column, is that we have an erect posture, straight, or bent. It is worth noting that the type of position that a person holds will have much to do with the genetic heritage have, because for example, if there is a history of spinal problems which manifested consecutively through the different generations, probably in our family, our children also suffer from them and not to mention we also. Such problems can be corrected with the realization of recurrent physical activities, such as yoga, gymnastics, swimming, among others.

Good posture contributes to the health and aesthetics of a person

Then, these first statements that we were pouring about what posture and its relevance should be said to have a correct body posture it is extremely important for anyone, not only because it will benefit our health status in general, since we will not be back, waist or neck pain poor posture are often generated, but is also from the aesthetic point of view relevant because that good posture, i.e., keep us properly erect and rights, will bring positive super plus appearance. Also right and an upright posture will be essential to have a good oxygenation and prevent digestive discomfort when poor posture triggers that you compress the organs involved in our digestion.

Everything we do requires us to a position

Most of the activities that we perform on a daily basis, required us one or another position. For example, to make a dish in the kitchen cupboards, if they are above our height, we must stretch to get them, so, if on the other hand, they are under, we will have to duck. Likewise, when we are participating in such an event that requires behavior on the part of us, a formal attitude is that then we will have to keep our body upright and thus tens of different positions, according to the circumstances.

The State of mind of a person determines the position also

On the other hand and although it is not so considered as other conditions, the psyche will have much to do in determining a position or another, i.e. a good or bad posture that bring us negative consequences on our health, for example. Typically those most determined people in life have an upright posture, on the other hand, those who show a more depressive attitude often show a steeper position in their bodies.

Static and dynamic posture

Posture called static is what tends to keep at a certain time and dynamics will be that we will take to respond to the force of gravity which always tends to unbalance us.

Posture can be corrected with exercise, teaching professionals and using ergonomic furniture

Fortunately, the subject of body posture can be modified and work through the learning offered by the specialists in this field. Another big key to achieve a satisfactory body posture is the realization of physical activity on a regular basis. Physical exercise is good always and for all types of Pathology, meanwhile, poor body posture is not exempt from this. On the other hand, we can not ignore the negative effects that often has on our position to work long hours in a wrong position or on furniture that has no minimum ergonomic characteristics. It is have a Chair from about 65 to 75 cm tall, and with a space that will allow us to stretch your legs on the floor. And if we use the computer, the screen must be a corresponding eye height and 50 cm. away.

The ideal posture

The ideal posture of someone is not exaggerated or pose, increasing curves but which maintains the natural curves of the spine... Head up, not twisting trunk, neutral pelvis and lower extremities aligned in such a way that the body weight is properly distributed.