What is the Meaning & Definition of boyhood

There are different stages of life, stages showing life cycles depicting the process of maturity from birth to death. One of the stages of life is the boyhood which shows the period of time that exists between adolescence and adulthood.
The youth is marked by the experience of new personal and professional experiences: feelings of love, friendship, choice of the college career, realization of personal desires...


The youth is also a period of reassertion after the crisis period of adolescence in which the person is known more and better itself. From this level of self-knowledge, it makes decisions that help you to be in accordance with your personal expectations.
Friendship is one of the most important in youth values at this stage in life people also have less responsibilities in charge so you have more spare time in his schedule to share with friends on plans distended as go to the disco, organize a group dinner, going to the movies, take a trip...
The youth is one of the stages of life in which the young is projected in the future, i.e., has many plans and projects to carry out. In opposition to the elderly who look too much to the past marked by the nostalgia of yesterday and the different life situation.
Young people also have a physical appearance that conveys such joviality. The youth is defined by the absence of wrinkles on the face. Being young is not synonymous with happiness, however, in a common way people Yes observed yesterday's youth as a period of life perfect.

Decision making

The reality is that the youth is a very important life stage because it is in this period that people also take important decisions that have a significance for the future. For example, the young takes decisions related to their professional future. Young also is afraid to make a mistake in these decisions that have echoed in the future and is natural to feel insecurity and uncertainty to which option is most suitable.