What is the Meaning & Definition of childhood

First period of human life that extends from birth to puberty

He is designated with the term from childhood to that period of human life that extends from the birth of the individual to the arrival of puberty, at age 13, when they will give way to the next stage of life, adolescence. Then, up to the age of the person shall be considered a child.

Stage that brings most of the growth of the human being

Children, also named after childhood, turns out to be the moment in the life of people in which it grows more, strides you could say; the highest percentage of human growth occurs precisely in this period of life, and physical changes that will develop during the are practically constant...

Composed of three stages

It is composed of three stages: infancy, early childhood and second childhood. The first person is called infant and extends to two years approximately; the next stage is from age two to six and it is called the person infante. Second childhood includes six years at puberty (13 years) and at this stage will call it is child.
Meanwhile and as mentioned, the development, both physical, motor, as cognitive, will go very quickly, noting different changes that we will mention below...

Major physical and cognitive changes

In terms of the physical part, the weight gain will be approximately two kilos per year, whereupon the weight will be between 12 and 15 kilos. The size increases between 7 and 13 cm each year. Even though the posture is erect, yet the muscles of the abdomen are not developed, then, this remains balloon-like even.
The frequency with which breathes a child is slow and regular adult and their body temperature will depend on the atmosphere which is present, his emotions and the activity being performed. The brain has not reached its peak, at 80%.
With respect to movements that is already capable of doing the individual in childhood include: walking around obstacles, have squatting for a longer time, climb stairs, balancing on one foot, throwing objects without losing balance, climb to certain heights.
And in the part concerning available cognitive and speaking, at this stage, the child, already use objects with a purpose, will make simple classifications, enjoy reading stories, recognizes that language captures the attention of their elders, mimics the words that listens, has a vocabulary of between 50 and 100, and words and of course plays.

The family and the State should ensure the rights and care of children

And beyond these issues strictly physical and cognitive, we can not ignore that childhood is the more sensitive a person's stage because it is she that should be fixed first steps that occur in life and if they, at any level and appearance, are not carried out with care and restraint, is likely the person is negatively marked by them the rest of his life.
The presence of parents, containment, care and love that they must give to their children is certainly relevant at this stage of the life of an individual.
On the other hand and in this sense for securing the care, safety and education to children is that you it will also be very relevant to the intervention of the State, ensuring that these rights are complied. Children should be protected from ill-treatment, especially in all sense, sexual and labour exploitation and also your health should be monitored so that they can grow as.

Rights of the child proclaimed by UNICEF

In 1989, the Organization of Nations United (UN) held a very important Convention through its agency specializing in childhood, UNICEF, and declared the rights of the world's children: access to health, to life, to play, to express themselves freely and to share opinions with others, to have a family, to be able to freely profess an ideology and religion , and to be protected from any type of abuse.