What is the Meaning & Definition of gesturing

The term gesturing concerning everything itself or linked to the gesture.
Meanwhile, a gesture is a form of popular non-verbal communication between humans that will run with any part of the body, producing a movement in the joints and muscles of the arms, head and hands.
Through gestures can express a variety of thoughts and feelings, such as contempt, dislike, love, affection, hatred, among so many others.
Almost everyone when we speak, accompany the words expressing with gestures, while both, there are some cultures and ethnic groups that use more gestures with respect to others.
Also, another issue linked to the gestures, is acceptance, i.e., in some parts of the world a gesture can be very badly seen, while other places have wide acceptance.
Now, the most common classification of gesture differentiates them in: emblematic gestures (are signs that are intentionally issued and everyone knows what they mean, for example, the raised thumb indicates that it is all right, the vertical index finger to his lips, marks the need to silence), illustrative gestures (accompany verbal communication, whether it is to accentuate or emphasize that that is saying with words; they tend to be very useful in the speeches) public, for example, the presidential candidate who guarantees that your proposal they will come forward and while it says it raises both arms), regulatory gestures (serve to regularize or synchronize communication, for example, give a hand when you start a conversation with someone), gestures that express States of emotion (through these people express the emotional state at the time (, for example, a wide smile is a clear indicator of a moment of joy) and gestures of adaptation (they are that we use to manage emotions that we do not want to expose either when we want to reassure us with a situation that causes stress; we are nervous and then we bite the nail or take a pen and carry it with the fingers of one hand to the other).
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