What is the Meaning & Definition of Gluten

Protein substance found in cereals

Gluten is a protein substance, of a characteristic yellow color, and which has been present in some foods, such is the case of some cereal seed. It is accompanied by the famous starch and has a high nutritional value.
Then, they are cereals, such as wheat, barley, rye, oats, among others, our main sources of gluten consumption, because clear, with wheat, many foods that we eat often are manufactured such is the case of bread, bills, some sweets and pasta.

It brings elasticity and volume

The main action that develops the gluten in bread making for example is that it gives fullness and elasticity to dough to make it tastier. Even for this property is that it employs to give volume to many other foods.

It is possible to replace it in the diet, especially in cases which gluten affects health

The nutritional contribution of gluten can be replaced without problems by other proteins, especially in those cases where it is necessary for a health issue to eliminate gluten from the diet, as it is the case with celiac persons.

Celiac disease. Causes, symptoms and care

Gluten in addition to the above is especially famous for the pathologies that exist as a result of their consumption.
One of the most widespread in recent times is Celiac disease or celiac disease, which consists of a disease that is caused by the immune system by eating gluten. Its effects are certainly serious because it affects whole system, organs, structures, among others, being his poor behavior caused by gluten.
Genetic factors are the most common cause of your condition, although there may also be environmental causes or a predisposition in the intestinal mucosa.
The symptoms of celiac disease vary according to age and other health factors although their regular symptoms tend to be migraines, reflux, anemia and dermatitis, among others.
But celiac disease is not the only condition linked to the consumption of gluten also may be sensitivity to the same but without a source celiac and wheat allergy.
It should be noted that the most effective way of avoiding its consequences and symptoms is to avoid its consumption.
In recent times, there was a wider dissemination and awareness of conditions caused by gluten, is possible to meet variety of foods that do not contain it and that even alert in their packaging and has also developed an industry that produces food for people who cannot tolerate gluten.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.