What is the Meaning & Definition of lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is an important part of the circulatory system, is composed of nodes, Lymphoid organs and a network of ducts that connect these structures among themselves and with the general movement known as lymphatic vessels.
This system is located throughout the body, except for a level of the central nervous system, is directly linked also with the system immune or system of the body's defenses.

The lymphatic circulation

The lymphatic system is involved in processes of collecting liquids and various substances that are deposited or stored in tissues, as well as transport cells of the immune system to the sites where these are required.
The drainage function of the lymphatic system allows liquids accumulated in tissues product of the inflammatory response, trauma, infectious process or venous insufficiency are brought back into the venous circulation to be filtered by the kidney, and finally eliminated with the urine.
The liquid contained within the lymphatic system is known as lymph, is of yellowish color similar to blood plasma, is composed of water, proteins and cells of the immune system such as lymphocytes, which are a type of white blood cell.

Lymphatic structures

Lymph nodes. Along the path of the lymphatic vessels are located a series of known as lymph nodules, they constitute a kind of filters and tend to distribute themselves forming groups located mainly at the level of the neck, armpits, groin, and in the interior of the abdomen along the large vessels such as the aorta artery and vena cava. In the lymph nodes is carried out recognition of microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria starting the activation of B lymphocytes, which are a type of white blood cell responsible for making antibodies, for this reason the lymph nodes enlarge when an infection occurs.
Tonsils. Lymphatic tissue is located at strategic points in the digestive system, at the level of the oral cavity are at the beginning of the pharynx, in structures known as the tonsils and adenoids, also there is lymph tissue in the cecal Appendix, this strategic location allows a tissue defenses in two important points of entry for germs to the body such as the mouth and airway.
Timo. In the embryonic phase and during childhood a great immune activity occurs in the thymus, an organ located behind the breastbone, which is related to the maturation of T lymphocytes, which are a type of blood cell white responsible for recognizing the body's cells and differentiate them from foreign cells as well as coordinate the response of the system of defenses against the microorganisms.
Spleen. It is an organ located in the abdomen, the left side of the inside, its main function is the Elimination of aging blood cells as well as act as a reservoir or tank of blood. The spleen also plays an important role as a lymphatic organ, the acts as a filter that collects the various antigens (substances foreign to the body) being able to produce immunoglobulins and substances necessary for the cells of the immune system can kill bacteria that are protected by a capsule, as in the case of pneumococcal bacteria causing diseases such as pneumonia.